Sawa Savings and Credit Society is a Co-Operative society established under the Co-operative Societies Act, Cap 490 of the laws of Kenya. It was established with the purpose of promoting thrift among members. This is achieved by affording members an opportunity for accumulating their savings hence creating a source of funds from which loans can be made to them exclusively, for provident and productive purposes, at a fair and reasonable rate of interest. It is a member based society, which enables members to use and control their money for their mutual benefit.


Membership of Sawa is open to all members of the FCS Group of Companies. All members must meet the minimum conditions of membership set in the by-laws, which include:-
  • A person within the FCS Group of Companies
  • All former employees of the FCS Group
  • A person who is not less than 18 years of age
  • A person of good character
  • A person whose employment, occupation or profession are within the Society's area of operation
  • The membership registration fee is a non - refundable fee of Kshs. 500.00 and minimum share contribution is Kshs. 4,000.00.


    The promotion of the welfare and economic interest of their membership by improving their economic, socio-cultural aspiration of people with limited resources and opportunities as well as encouraging their spirit of initiative.